101+ Healing Affirmations: Heal Your Body, Mind, Soul

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Hi, I’m Anna, a manifestation enthusiast who believes in the power of healing affirmations. Affirmations helped me strengthen my health and showed me how powerful our thoughts and words can be.

After that transformative experience, I became fascinated with positive affirmations, self-healing statements, and empowering phrases that can improve our lives.

Now I want to share some of my favorite healing mantras that can help you heal your body, mind and soul.

Ready for 101+ examples of pure healthy goodness? Let’s dive in!

How Healing Affirmations Work

Healing affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. By doing this, you begin to replace negative, critical and harmful self-talk with uplifting words that make you feel empowered.

Science shows that mind-body healing affirmations can:

  • Reduce stress: Repeating calming words lowers cortisol and activates the relaxation response.
  • Rewire neural pathways: Choosing positive affirmations creates new neuro connections that promote optimism.
  • Activate self-healing: Affirmations stimulate the mind-body connection for improved health.
  • Improve mental well-being: Repeating positive affirmations boosts your confidence and self esteem. (see article on Forbes)
  • Manifest desired change: Focusing clearly on what you want helps attract it into your life.

When you consistently repeat spiritual healing mantras, you start reprogramming your mind for health, happiness and inner peace.

“Change your words, change your reality.”

Louise Hay

101 Healing Affirmations

Here are 101 positive phrases divided by mind, body and soul for complete healing. Choose the ones that resonate most right now and repeat them often.

These self-healing statements promote vitality, natural healing and self-care. They help you tune into your body's needs, release dis-ease and restore balance.
These self-healing statements promote vitality, natural healing and self-care. They help you tune into your body's needs, release dis-ease and restore balance.

Physical Healing Affirmations

These self-healing statements promote vitality, natural healing and self-care. They help you tune into your body’s needs, release dis-ease and restore balance.

  1. My body heals quickly and easily
  2. I nourish my body with healthy and energizing foods
  3. My immune system grows stronger each day
  4. Perfect health flows through every cell of my being
  5. I gracefully accept my body and care for its needs
  6. Every day I am increasing my strength, stamina and vitality
  7. I release all tension and stress from my body
  8. My body restores and renews itself as I sleep
  9. I breathe fully and deeply, infusing my cells with oxygen
  10. I am filled with motivating, high energy from head to toe
  11. My body heals itself naturally and with ease
  12. I make time each day to stretch, move and care for my body
  13. My spine is strong, flexible and pain-free
  14. Every organ functions perfectly to keep me healthy
  15. I have perfect eyesight and hearing
  16. I walk with strength, balance and coordination
  17. My blood flows smoothly to nourish all parts of my being
  18. Divine healing flows through me and radiates outwards
  19. My body aligns perfectly as I develop strength with flexibility
  20. I nourish myself with natural, organic and vibrant foods
  21. My cells renew themselves through activity and rest
  22. I heal from all past injuries and traumas
  23. I gracefully accept the natural aging process with gratitude
  24. My body is a channel for love and healing energy
  25. I appreciate and celebrate my body’s beauty and resilience

Mental/Emotional Healing Affirmations

These positive affirmations instill optimism, self-confidence and emotional resilience. They empower you to overcome negativity, anxiety, anger and self-defeating behaviors.

These positive affirmations instill optimism, self-confidence and emotional resilience. They empower you to overcome negativity, anxiety, anger and self-defeating behaviors.
These positive affirmations instill optimism, self-confidence and emotional resilience. They empower you to overcome negativity, anxiety, anger and self-defeating behaviors.
  1. I release all anger and resentment
  2. I forgive those who have caused me pain
  3. My mind is calm, centered and at peace
  4. I have faith in my strength and resilience
  5. My confidence grows every time I courageously try something new
  6. I lovingly accept myself just as I am
  7. My thoughts are positive, empowering and healing
  8. I release the need to judge myself or others
  9. I courageously pursue my dreams with passion
  10. My mind is thoughtful, creative and wise
  11. I dwell on the good in each person and situation
  12. I welcome humor and light-heartedness into my life
  13. My emotions flow freely in healthy ways
  14. I forgive the past and live fully in the present
  15. Each day I think bigger, broader thoughts
  16. My inner light guides me to truth and purpose
  17. I see life’s challenges as opportunities to grow
  18. My heart overflows with compassion and joy
  19. I nourish my spirit through music, nature and art
  20. My mind is relaxed, focused and clear
  21. I let go of worry and anxiety about the future
  22. I acknowledge my feelings without judgement
  23. Creative ideas flow to me effortlessly
  24. I welcome new experiences that help me learn and expand
  25. I celebrate small successes that uplift my spirit

Spiritual Healing Affirmations

These holistic healing words connect you with your highest self and deepest truths. They remind you of your inner wisdom, capacity for joy and inherent worth.

These holistic healing words connect you with your highest self and deepest truths. They remind you of your inner wisdom, capacity for joy and inherent worth.
These holistic healing words connect you with your highest self and deepest truths. They remind you of your inner wisdom, capacity for joy and inherent worth.
  1. I connect with my inner wisdom and highest truth
  2. Infinite joy flows freely through my entire being
  3. I surrender my fears and worries to the Universe
  4. I know my life has deep meaning and purpose
  5. I lovingly embrace all aspects of my wholeness
  6. My spirit flows with the harmony of the universe
  7. I am filled with inner peace, faith and trust
  8. My life reflects the beauty I see all around me
  9. I surrender control and allow divine order to unfold
  10. I am guided by my heart’s wisdom每 second of every day
  11. My dreams manifest magical blessings into my life
  12. The answers I need come as I ask each question
  13. I give thanks for all the blessings in my life
  14. My vibrancy, aliveness and enthusiasm are contagious
  15. I acknowledge the light in myself and others
  16. I welcome miracles into my life each day
  17. My life is filled with grace, ease and fluidity
  18. I trust in the unknown and welcome new beginnings
  19. My inner light shines bright for all to see
  20. I know I have the power to create the life I desire
  21. My heart, mind and soul are joyfully aligned as one
  22. I surrender my problems and anxieties to a Higher Power
  23. I see life’s challenges as gifts for my growth
  24. I embrace the full spectrum of human emotions with compassion
  25. I know I am safe, protected and divinely guided
  26. My soul is ancient, wise and powerful beyond measure

How to Choose The Right Affirmation For Me?

Here are some tips for choosing which healing affirmations to use:

Tune into your current needs

Check in with your body, mind and spirit. Are you dealing with health issues, stress, negative thinking or loneliness? Choose affirmations that target your top priorities.

Pick affirmations you resonate with

Read through the examples and pay attention to any that make you feel energized, uplifted or hopeful when you repeat them. Those are signs they align with you.

Focus on your growth edges

Look for affirmations that stretch you slightly outside your comfort zone regarding new perspectives, behaviors or beliefs. These can help facilitate change.

Rotate regularly

You may outgrow certain affirmations as you heal and evolve. Remember to change them up over time depending on what you currently need.

Go for short, simple and positive

Look for succinct affirmations in the present tense that give your subconscious clear direction.

Aim for 3-5 affirmations

Working with a few consistent phrases creates better neural grooves than overwhelming yourself.

The most important thing is that your healing affirmations feel inspiring and motivating to YOU. Trust your intuition to select the ones that activate your self-healing powers.

Tips for Success

Here are some pro tips to help you integrate healing affirmations into your life:

1. Crafting Effective Affirmations
When writing affirmations, it’s important to use the present tense and be specific.

For example, instead of saying “I will feel amazing on my wedding day,” try “I feel amazing, and am prioritizing my health daily so that I radiate the…”

2. Incorporating Affirmations into Daily Life
Repeating affirmations consistently, whether through spoken words or written notes, can help reinforce their message and make them a natural part of your thought patterns.

Also, here’s a few more:

  • Repeat daily for 21-30 days to cement new neural patterns
  • Say affirmations aloud for optimal mind-body impact
  • Write them down and place reminders where you’ll see them
  • Create an affirmations altar with items that represent what you desire
  • Make recordings to play as you sleep or do chores

Real-Life Success Stories

Healing affirmations have helped many people overcome illness, emotional pain and self-limiting beliefs. Here is one story of inspirational healing with affirmations:

Gaurav, a young engineer from India, faced health issues during intense coaching in 2016. He embraced “The Secret” through gratitude and affirmations, healing himself in just 30 days. His story inspires faith, belief, and the power of positive thinking for good health. (read his story)

Your repeated words can literally change your reality – why not make them positive words that move you towards health and happiness?

I encourage you to choose 2-3 affirmations to work with over the next few weeks. Notice any positive shifts in your body, mindset or spirit. Your thoughts have power, so be sure to use them wisely!

May these healing words bless you with renewed energy, inner peace and deep joy.

Healing affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. By doing this, you begin to replace negative, critical and harmful self-talk with uplifting words that make you feel empowered.

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Picture of Anna @MojoXhale
Anna @MojoXhale

I'm a huge manifestation enthusiast. So, let's manifest our wildest dreams and desires into reality!
